What We Buy
We purchase a wide variety of luxury goods and fine art pieces including designer handbags, original artwork by known artists, pens and more.
Prints vs Original Artwork
We do not typically purchase artist prints. A print is a reproduction of an original work of art. Some prints are numbered meaning the artist has indicated on the art that this piece is X numbered print out of a total of X prints created in that particular edition, making it a limited edition. The easiest way to tell if your artwork is an original is through using a magnifying glass. In many cases prints are made up of tiny colored dots that are arranged in a repeating pattern throughout the painting.
Designer Handbags
Some designer handbags can hold value to resell depending on brand and condition. Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Gucci, Fendi Chanel and Prada are brands we are interested in purchasing. A rule of thumb for what we purchase is that the purse needs to have a retail value of $1,000 or more. We have experts on staff who can authenticate these items and we also have access to the latest software programs used to identify them.
Fountain and Designer Pens
Vintage fountain pens and some designer pens can be quite valuable. Our estate specialists will identify the brand, model and condition when determining the value. Most common vintage fountain pens use gold nibs which increases the value. Montblanc, Meontegrappa, Parker, Waterman, Cartier and Sheaffer are some of the most sought after brands of fountain pens.